Offloading essential supplies at North Horr airstrip
Offloading essential supplies at North Horr airstrip ~Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende

MAF went on a critical mission to deliver medical supplies to parts of northern Kenya amid cholera concerns following the devastating floods.

MAF pilot Jono Pound transported 600kg of cargo in partnership with the Sign of Hope organisation, to help combat reported cases of cholera, a water-borne disease. On board, the flight were staff from Sign of Hope to help with the distribution of supplies to the residents of North Horr and Dukana. Sign of Hope to help with the distribution of supplies to the residents of North Horr and Dukana.

About 200 households will be among the beneficiaries of blankets, sleeping mats, collapsible jerrycans, Plumpy Nut supplements, mosquito nets, bar soap and medical supplies including malaria and cholera test kits, aqua tabs, and oral rehydration solutions (ORS).

Most of the roads in these locations have become impassible after the floods, but by using the MAF flight, we are sure the supplies will reach the affected people quickly.
Asher Abayo, the Regional Field Coordinator at Sign of Hope
Offloading of essential supplies at North Horr airstrip
~Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende
Offloading of essential supplies at North Horr airstrip

The decision to provide medical supplies was prompted by some of the reported cases of cholera in the area. The aqua tabs will help in the purification of water for drinking and cooking within the households. Sign of Hope, through the MAF Disaster Response flight, is supporting the county government with medical supplies to meet the growing need.

Asher Abayo, the Regional Field Coordinator at Sign of Hope, who was on board the flight to North Horr, shared their reasons for working with MAF and local authorities to promote community health and sustainable development initiatives.

He said, “We are collaborating with the county government to ensure efficient medical supplies are available to meet the growing demand.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to fly these essential supplies with MAF.

“Most of the roads in these locations have become impassible after the floods, but by using the MAF flight, we are sure the supplies will reach the affected people quickly.”

He added, “With a lot of water left stagnant after the rains, there’s a lot of breeding places for mosquitoes which bring about malaria and with the provision of mosquito nets, a lot of families can be protected.”

Offloading of essential supplies at Dukana airstrip
~Photo credit: Jacqueline Mwende
Offloading of essential supplies at Dukana airstrip

Sam Baguma, leading MAF’s Disaster Response in Kenya, was pleased that MAF could respond quickly to deliver the supplies to northeastern communities.

Sam said, “It is very critical that Sign of Hope has provided sleeping mats and blankets to the displaced families up north to shelter them after most of their belongings were swept away.

 “Sign of Hope has also provided aqua tabs and collapsible jerrycans to purify and store clean drinking water respectively to protect families from falling sick amid the reported cases of cholera. The soaps provided will help the displaced families improve their hygiene.”

Story by: Jacqueline Mwende